
So uh… I guess it’s almost common knowledge that I had a look at this during the holidays but Christian suggested an idea about writing everything you know in Physics. This obviously isn’t everything, but it’s a chunk of it, so here it is. I really think that it should be kinda more known earlier on for people studying Physics because when it actually is learned (in our course or other university courses) sometimes people just don’t understand it at all. This is in spite of the fact that it is currently in the Year 12 curriculum (not in its entirety however).

The Standard Model

The Standard Model is simply a collation of elementary particles and fundamental forces (gravitational force, weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force and electromagnetic force). It is to show the very building blocks of our universe in a table. The elementary particles consist of quarks and leptons, one of which may be known to you and the other may not. Quarks are known to be very small constituents of matter that, joined with one or two other quarks, form hadrons, subatomic particles of which most make up matter itself (for example, protons and neutrons). Keep in mind that hadrons can be affected by all the fundamental forces. Leptons, however, are also small (though not as small as quarks) particles that are affected by all fundamental forces except strong nuclear force.